The Rules and Procedures for Withdrawing Funds from EPF Accounts

withdrawing funds from EPF

We understand the importance of transparency and clarity when it comes to financial matters, especially when it concerns the hard-earned money of our valued employees. In this article, we will guide you through the rules and procedures for withdrawing funds from EPF (Employee Provident Fund) accounts. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of this process to ensure that your EPF withdrawal experience is smooth and hassle-free.

1. Introduction to EPF:

The Employee Provident Fund is a government-backed scheme designed to provide financial security and stability to employees during their retirement. Both the employee and the employer contribute a fixed percentage of the employee’s salary to the EPF account, which grows over time through compound interest.

2. Eligibility Criteria for EPF Withdrawal:

Before we delve into the procedures, let’s clarify the eligibility criteria for EPF withdrawal. Employees can withdraw funds from their EPF account under the following circumstances:

  • Retirement
  • Resignation
  • Termination
  • Permanent disability
  • Marriage
  • Higher education
  • Home loan repayment or purchase
  • Medical emergencies
  • Renovation of an existing home

Also Read: How to Create Login Credentials for EPF?

3. EPF Withdrawal Procedures:

a. Online Withdrawal:

With advancements in technology, the EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Organization) has made the withdrawal process easier and more accessible through an online platform. Follow these steps for online withdrawal:

Step 1: Log in to the EPFO member portal using your UAN (Universal Account Number) and password. Step 2: Click on the “Claim” tab and select “Proceed for Online Claim.”
Step 3: Choose the type of withdrawal applicable to you and complete the necessary details.
Step 4: Upload the required documents and submit the claim.
Step 5: Once the claim is processed and approved, the funds will be transferred directly to your bank account.

b. Offline Withdrawal:

For employees who are not comfortable with online procedures, offline withdrawal is also available. Follow these steps for offline withdrawal:

Step 1: Obtain the EPF withdrawal form (Form 19) from the nearest EPFO office or download it.
Step 2: Fill in all the necessary details in the form and attach the required documents.
Step 3: Submit the completed form to the nearest EPFO office or your employer.
Step 4: The EPFO will process your application, and upon approval, the funds will be disbursed as per your chosen mode of payment.

4. EPF Withdrawal Tax Implications:

It’s crucial to be aware of the tax implications associated with EPF withdrawals. The taxation rules differ based on the reason for withdrawal and the duration of EPF account holding. Here are some essential points to consider:

  • Withdrawals made after five years of continuous service are tax-free.
  • Withdrawals made before completing five years of service are subject to taxation, depending on the applicable slab rates.
  • TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is deducted if the withdrawal amount exceeds a specified threshold.

5. Tips for Hassle-Free EPF Withdrawal:

a. Keep Your KYC Updated:

Ensure that your KYC (Know Your Customer) details, such as Aadhaar, PAN, and bank account number, are up-to-date in your EPF account. This will expedite the withdrawal process and minimize the chances of errors.

b. Check EPF Balance Regularly:

Periodically review your EPF account balance to stay informed about the funds available for withdrawal. You can check your balance through the EPFO member portal or the UMANG app.

c. Verify Employer’s Contributions:

Cross-check the employer’s contributions in your EPF account with your salary slips to ensure accuracy. Any discrepancies should be immediately reported to the EPFO.


In conclusion, understanding the rules and procedures for withdrawing funds from EPF accounts is crucial for all employees. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can make the withdrawal process seamless and secure your financial future. Remember to keep your KYC updated, regularly check your EPF balance, and verify your employer’s contributions. This will help you avoid unnecessary delays and ensure a hassle-free experience.

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